Delivery and packaging
Orders are shipped within 2 business days after confirmation of payment.
It usually takes 2 to 5 days for domestic shipments, and 4 to 14 days by EMS for international shipments.
For international shipments, tracking information will be provided with the EMS Express Shipping service. The package can be tracked once it is shipped out.
Please note that we are closed for public holidays such as New Year's holidays, Golden Week (last week of April to early May) and Obon holidays (mid-August). Therefore, we may not be able to respond to your request at these times. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Unfortunately, a delivery date or time cannot be specified with neither domestic nor international shipments.
If you have missed the delivery, please contact the post office (or a courier if applicable) to arrange a redelivery or pick-up.
Please contact us using the online form.
We retain shipping information and tracking number for all orders. Once we receive your concerns, we will contact the post office or courier as soon as possible.
The package itself can be presented as a gift, but unfortunately, we do not offer individual gift wrapping options.
Yes, we inspect every single knife before shipment, and sharpen each one of them carefully so you can use your knife as soon as you receive it.
Unfortunately, the products on our website are not available for personalization.
Returns and cancellations
We accept return or exchange requests for unused items. Please contact us with any concerns using the online form within 8 days of the date you received your order.
We do not accept returns after this 8-day period or if you have already used the product.
We undertake the shipping cost for returns due to initial damage or inconvenience caused by our oversight.
For returns due to the customer's preference, all of the shipping charge and applicable administrative fees are to be covered by the customer.
We accept cancellations as long as the order has not been shipped out.
However, if the reason for cancellation is due to the customer's preference and if the order has already been paid for, expenses such as bank transfer fees for the refund and payment fees will be deducted from the total amount.
Our products
For your first authentic knife to be used at home, we have carefully selected materials that are easy to handle.
All of our products have excellent sharpness, are double edged, and are at an optimal weight which is neither extremely heavy nor too light.
We have a variety of blades from stainless, light and rust-resistant knives, to steel-bladed, amazingly sharp knives which tend to rust easily if left wet. The latter knives also have a unique finish which makes rust less noticeable. From our selection of foolproof, amazing knives, you can choose the best option based on your preference and priority.
Additionally, our products are crafted in multiple locations by taking advantage of different craftsmen's strengths. It reflects our commitment to deliver the finest knives to our customers, regardless of the additional costs for shipping.
We sell our knives exclusively on the web.
Our location in Tokushima only handles inventory management and shipment processing, and we do not display or sell products in store.
Care and maintenance
As a guide for home use, you can sharpen your knife once a month to maintain the satisfactory edge.
Negligence will inevitably lead to a dull knife. Regular sharpening is recommended.
Do not cut frozen food or hard objects like bones with our knife.
Dishwashers will hasten the deterioration of the blade and handle, due to the high internal temperature and powerful washing method. Avoid the use of the dishwasher.
Unfortunately, we only offer a sharpening service for our products.
Other questions
We can issue a receipt. If you would like one, please let us know after placing an order.
Our hours are weekdays from 9am to 5pm.
We do not process shipping requests on public holidays.